About us

Iver Environment Centre is located in the Colne Valley between Uxbridge and Slough. It is one of four environmental education centres across the UK which are owned by the National Grid.  Since opening in 1990 Iver Environment Centre has been managed by Groundwork South,  a ‘not for profit’ organisation working with local communities to improve their quality of life. 

Over the past 30 years, the 2.4 acres that make up our centre has blossomed into a beautiful collection of gardens thanks to the help of local businesses and volunteers. Our site includes a poly tunnel rainforest, an orchard, woodland area with a fire pit, two very fruitful allotments, and in October 2019 we unveiled our new Early Years corner with a mud kitchen built by corporate volunteers.  

We offer a range of activities and education sessions designed to inspire people to explore and reconnect with nature. We engage people of all ages and abilities through holiday activities, curriculum linked education sessions for schools and a variety of volunteering opportunities. 

Our education staff and volunteers deliver a range of nature based education sessions for children in the local area. We cover topics such as food growing, habitat comparisons and tree studies suitable for Early Years students through to Key Stage 4, with an emphasis on primary school provision. We also run supported volunteering sessions for adults with disabilities once a week, where they can grow their own vegetables, do nature based crafts and build skills. 

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We are committed to making your visit to our site as safe as possible and the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is our priority. Our staff, volunteers and DSO are trained to appropriate levels in safeguarding and child protection. Safeguarding is incorporated into risk assessments and our Safeguarding Policy is available on request.


We’ve been connecting people to nature for over 30 years. Have a look at the photos below to see how much has changed since the centre first opened on the 21st September 1990.