Support us
Help us create a Pollinators Rain Garden
We would like you to help us to fundraise for a new outdoor teaching garden where visitors will be surrounded by nature. Children will discover how to protect pollinators and the plants they rely on in a changing world.
We will replant the garden with a variety of flowers that flower at different times and attract different pollinators. These will improve the health of the planet by providing a complex habitat and range of food sources for a wide variety of native wildlife.

Fundraise for us or donate
Iver Environmental Centre is always grateful for the support of our local community. We’re a small but committed team and our large site requires a lot of maintenance, plus the occasional big landscaping job to keep it safe and looking good for our visitors.
We’re always looking for local people and businesses who would like to support us in our mission to provide a safe and magical space for children to discover the wonders and benefits of nature.
The equipment and materials we currently need can be seen on our Amazon wishlist.
Alternatively you can donate online through Paypal:
Here are some materials your donation will be spent on:
- £5 would buy enough seeds for 300 students to dissect one each and identify the different parts
- £7 would buy a large bag of compost for planting seeds in our greenhouse
- £20 would buy smell pots for students to use their sense of smell whilst becoming “Herb Detectives.”
- £60 would buy us a puncture proof wheelbarrow
- £100 would pay for new bird feeders and enough bird food to last a year
- £250 would build a raised bed for people with mobility issues to plant in
- £300 would sponsor a full day visit from a class that cannot afford to come to Iver Environment Centre